CHEMPATEX was founded in 1958 and has its current place of business at Reinbeker Weg 76, 21465 Wentorf bei Hamburg / Germany.
CHEMPATEX has always been operating independently – acting on its own- as a foreign trade company with direct business relations to customers and suppliers in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Europe.
The logistic advantages of the Hamburg hub and an excellent infrastructure makes Hamburg the perfect location for international business activities like CHEMPATEX does.
As a well matured company CHEMPATEX is doing business since 1958 successfully in medical consumable products and equipment and maintains long-lasting relationship with reputable customers and manufacturers.
As a small enterprise we are in a position to act fast, flexible and to compile custom made solutions.
CHEMPATEX is making no compromise in finding solutions to satisfy the needs of its customers and is committing itself to the main elements of its company philosophy – trust, integrity and responsibility.